Home of the Bulldogs

The following screenings are currently conducted each year for the grades listed next to each at Grammar:

Vision Screening: Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 4th grades

*If your child is in need of a vision exam and you are unable to afford it, your family may qualify for a VSP voucher.  Click here to learn more. 

Hearing Screening: Kindergarten, 1st and 3rd grades

Height & Weight Screening: 4th grade

If you ever have a concern about your child's vision or hearing, you can always request an extra screening as well.

The following lessons are taught in each of the following grade levels:

Pre-K and Kindergarten:  Hand Hygiene

1st Grade:  Hand Hygiene

2nd Grade:  Dental Teaching

3rd Grade:  HIV/Aids Education (parent signed permission form is required for student's to participate in this class).  Parents also have an opportunity to preview lessons before student's participate.

4th Grade:  HIV/Aid Education and Maturation Teaching (parent signed permission form is required for student to participate in this class).  Parents also have an opportunity to preview lessons before student's participate.